A belated Happy New year . Hope 2012 will be fruitful & Lucky year . 2011 was a eventful year . Personally i have experienced lot in span of 12 month . I had faced some situation of life time like a rowdy act from KV &CO , resigned my Job in July & wandered in western Indian for two month . It was a very good experience to be far away in other part of the country . I learned a lot during that time & helped me to improved my Hindi . Enabled me to understand the culture change in the western part of India & enjoy the buzz of a Metropolitan city . Travelled a lot and Met lot of people who asked me lot of unnecessary questions which i am not supposed to answer. Then on a fine evening I travelled from west to East of India . Moment I finished my interview ,I knew that I will be selected . Bhubaneswar in odisha is that place. Place is a awkward with very little development . There is no public transport system in place , for any movement u need to depend on Auto . Even does not have a international airport. Its hot during Day and cool during night . Raining is like a Dam opened immediately . Winter is a different experience for me here. The Temp drop so low that I can't even bare it . I felt it is tough living in the northern India during winter than in Ooty where I spend 4 year during winter without any problem.

2012 is expected to be Eventful with lot of event on the list . Lot of meeting , conference / Exhibitions , Marriages of Friends etcs. Myself is Planning to try for PhD/ MBA in Foreign University or atleast a job change again to a MNC . Life In MNC is different from a Govt job . You become more lazy in Govt job . hope i will Not . Hope 2012 to be year to be remembered one with lot personal decision are also need to be made.


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