CM Jayalalitha Convicted in 18yrs old Case

All accusations and charges levelled against Jayalalitha that ultimately led to her conviction have now been proved false. The judges who re-examined the case, heard her argument and examined evidences concluded that charges were baseless and freed her with immediate effect. Following are the details of the development. jaya There is not a single proper pair of footwear. Having been upset with her advocates for not representing her case correctly, Jayalalitha fired them. She decided to go it alone and appealed to the court to retry the case. Each of the charges against her was deftly countered by her to the satisfaction of the judge. 10500 witnesses lined up at a witness camp organized near the court and each one signed an affidavit that he or she presented Amma a saree on her birthday, which resulted in her having that many sarees. Amma then informed the court that each of the footwear found in her house was either of the left foot or the right foot and there was not even a single proper pair, thus was of zero value overall. She explained that each of the 91 watches showed the local time in 91 different countries – something she had to do as she does not possess a single watch that shows time in all countries. The judges were pretty impressed by the logic and wondered where they went wrong. As for the 28 kg of gold and 800 kg of silver, Amma explained that she being considered as God by a large number of people in Tamilnadu, they had offered her gold and silver just like they offer to temples in Tirupati or elsewhere. She said, “You don’t take Tirupati and other temples to court if devotees offer gold there, do you? Then why me?” The judge was more or less convinced that Amma was innocent. However, just to be sure, he asked about the huge number of acres of land. Amma claimed she did not possess any. Doubting the veracity of her claim the judge questioned her further, “What do you mean you don’t possess the land. Here are the documents to prove it.” “What documents My Lord? In whose name is the land? Can you please check it again.” “Of course I am sure, It is J-A-Y-A-L-A-L-I-T-H-A”. She produced a certificate and said, “See My Lord, that is where everybody went wrong. I am not Jayalalitha, I am JAYALALITHAA. See the A in the end. This has been my name since 2001. I don’t know who is the Jayalalitha that the land belongs to. Lucky lady!” Finally the judge was convinced of Amma’s innocence, felt guilty himself and declared Amma not guilty. Amma thanked the court and argued that since her net worth is now near zero and at the same time she has liabilities to the tune of several crores of Rupees, she should get compensation from DMK and help from the government. It was granted.


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