What do women want in their men?

Physical attributes? Pleasant personality? Sense of humour? Money? Intelligence?
Or can a pleasant and respectable personality also help cast a good impression and get your heartthrob to take note of you?

1. Intelligence and honesty
Women rate trust and intelligence way on top in their list of likes in their men.
Aksa, a painter living in Mumbai bubbles over with enthusiasm as she says, "Mental intercourse is a solid turn-on for me. That, of course, happens only with brilliant men. Dumb men turn me off. They may be hot-looking and smart, but if they can't strike a intelligent conversation and are not honest about what they are, I get disinterested in them instantly."
Amita, a professional with a leading MNC in Delhi, seconds this opinion: "If I realise a guy is lying to me for some petty reason, it completely puts me off. I find it very difficult to trust him or mentally connect with him again."
2. Confident and substance-free
Men who are not confident, filled with self-loathing, victimised men or guys with substance-abuse problems are a complete no-no for women!
3. Treat women with respect!
Gayatri, a business reporter with a television news channel, says, "I have always believed that to win my love, a man must first win my respect. He needs to treat me with dignity. Everything else is lust. I am a great fan of the philosophy of [writer] Ayn Rand, who felt the same about love. Love makes you the best you can be. At least, it ought to. Sure, I wouldn't stand a pot-bellied, unclean, dishonest, yet brilliant, man. But I don't think brilliant men need to lie. And they, of course, should know how to be presentable."
4. Ambitious but not over-ambitious
Women admire ambitious men, but resent those who lose sleep over their careers.
They loathe vanity in men, but they appreciate those who take pride in their appearance.
Nitika, a writer, sums up: "I just can't seem to feel attracted to a guy who is not well-groomed and is not doing at least as well as me in his career. That go-getter spirit in men is a major attraction factor for me."
5. Chivalry!
Nita, an associate producer with a production house, is a complete sucker for chivalry. She rates pawing eyes on the top of her list of hates.
6. Sense of humour
Gauri, a designer, says a tickling sense of humour gets her going. She says, jokingly, "Wanna get in a woman's pants? Make her laugh."
7. Macho men!
Sumita, a banker in Delhi, disagrees. She believes 'macho' men with a good dress sense are an instant turn-on for her. The rest can come later.
Psychiatrist Anjali Deshpande says, "Women, by nature, are emotional and sensitive. Unlike men, they give more importance to emotional and mental aspects. And physical attributes tend to take a backseat. Thus, qualities like honesty, sense of humour, intelligence, listening and communication skills, brilliance, ability to treat them with respect, chivalry and a genuine behaviour tends to attract them. Good looks, of course, are a sureshot turn-on for every girl, but they like this coupled with other qualities. Then, there are women who focus on a guy's material possessions and status alone. This has more to do with their priorities in life than about what turns them on.
To sum up, here are the top 10 turn-ons for women:
1. Honesty
2. Men who are intelligent and the ability to connect mentally
3. Interesting, tastefully dressed men
4. Men with a good sense of humour
5. Intense men. Those with intense eyes are a big bonus
6. Men with the gift of the gab
7. Chivalrous men
8. Men who can treat women with dignity, respect and equality
9. Ambitious and financially stable men
10. Genuine men


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