Is there anything called Miracle on this existence? If there is something called miracle, how exactly it is expressed?

If somebody walks in thin air, or walks on the water, it becomes miracle! If somebody predicts the future and if it happens, it also becomes a miracle!

But what is the real miracle?

What is not a miracle here?

Billions of stars… the sun… the sunlight… the moon… the earth… movement of the earth on its own axis… movement of the earth around the sun… Everything happens in the rhythm… Isn't a miracle?

Every moment the breath is getting in me from the moment I was born and keeping me alive! Every moment my eyes are recognizing new scenes… Every moment my ears are listening to new sounds… I am able to walk on this planet despite the fact that the earth moves at a speed of 108,000 km/h around the sun… Aren't they miracles?

Animals that are much more powerful are not attacking me, they are afraid of me… I carry the fastest form of energy along with me… my own mind… aren't all these miracles?

Every day, every moment, we are part of a miracle; but we are not aware of; the miracle called existence, the miracle called life… all life is a miracle…

There is no miracle maker here… Miracles are happening… Being aware of this truth makes our life a miracle… all life is a miracle.


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