Fuel for Love

Researchers have found that many foods contain hundreds of chemical compounds that have very specific, and sometimes sex-enhancing, effects.

They contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that causes your heart to race and your skin to flush—a sure sign that blood flow is on the fast track. They dilate blood vessels and help all of that blood get where it's needed

There's a good reason women often call it the love food. The cocoa in chocolate contains stimulants that increase skin sensitivity. Chocolate also contains compounds that are chemically similar to the euphoria-inducing hormone your body produces when you're in love.

Nearly all fresh and frozen fruits are high in vitamin C; oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits are C standouts. University of Texas researchers report that men who get at least 200 milligrams of vitamin C a day have higher sperm counts than those who consume less. Vitamin C also keeps your sperm from clumping, so your boys have a better chance of hitting pay dirt.

Vanilla ice cream

The age-old argument about the respective merits of chocolate and vanilla ice cream is now settled: Go for the white stuff. Any ice cream is good, as long as it's low-fat, because it's high in calcium and phosphorus, minerals that build muscular energy reserves and boost libido. All of that calcium can also make orgasms more powerful since the muscles that control ejaculation need calcium in order to contract properly. Why vanilla over, say, Cherry Garcia? A study conducted at Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation found that when men smell the scent of vanilla, it relaxes them and reduces anxiety and inhibitions

Yep, caviar, oysters, lobster, and other delicacies from the sea deserve their sexy reputations. They're loaded with zinc, the mineral that increases the production of testosterone and promotes male fertility and prostate health.

Brazil nuts
All sorts of environmental toxins, including cigarette smoke and air pollution, can damage sperm and increase the risk of birth defects. Brazil nuts are a top source of selenium, a mineral that helps keep sperm cells healthy while also helping them swim faster. United Kingdom researchers report that men with fertility problems who increase their selenium intake have hardier, more viable sperm. Brazil nuts are also high in vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect sperm cells from free-radical damage.


Oranges get the good press as a vitamin C source, but frozen peaches are a better choice. That's important if you're looking to add some deductions to your 1040, because men who don't take in enough vitamin C produce lower-quality sperm. Keep a bag of frozen peach slices—they have more C than fresh ones do—in your freezer to dump in smoothies or add to your morning cereal. A single cup of the fruit has more than twice your daily vitamin C requirement.

Forget Viagra. Mother Nature's original blue potency capsules may do even more for you. Blueberries are high in soluble fiber, which helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood before it gets absorbed and deposited on artery walls. Blueberries also relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. What that means, of course, is that more blood enters the penis to produce stronger erections. For maximum potency and performance, eat a serving of blueberries at least three or four times a week.


Every man gets a little nervous when he's with a new partner, and that nervousness can, well, you know. A plateful of eggs in the morning can help because they're high in B vitamins, nutrients that help reduce anxiety—and get depleted during high-stress times. The B vitamins have also been shown to help keep libido high.
It turns out real men should eat quiche. The eggs and milk make it high in protein, which helps control SHBG—a substance that makes it harder for your body to use testosterone and arginine. Arginine is an amino acid that improves the flow of blood to the penis and may improve sexual stamina for both men and women. Go ahead and add some asparagus and potatoes to the quiche: They contain magnesium and potassium, minerals that help prevent an ill-timed charley horse from putting a damper on your fun.

It doesn't sound sexy, but ounce for ounce, there are few better sources of fertility-boosting vitamin A than liver. Studies show that men who get plenty of A each day have higher sperm counts and perform better sexually than men who don't. Liver is also an excellent source of zinc. Your body expels 5 milligrams of zinc—a third of your daily requirement—every time you ejaculate, so a single amorous weekend could leave your body's zinc reserves on empty.

Researchers at Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation noted an increased number of erections in men who sniffed the spice.

Orange juice
If you don't have enough beneficial HDL cholesterol scouring your arteries, even low amounts of harmful LDL can form blockages that could reduce your ability to have erections. The higher the HDL, the better. Once you get more than 60 milligrams per deciliter of blood, it can help protect your heart as well. One of the best ways to boost HDL is to drink at least three glasses of OJ a week—along with running or fast-walking at least 7 miles a week and dropping at least 10 pounds if you're overweight


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