Monsoon In India was fairly poor this year. Most of the part in India are in severe drought. States like Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh,UP, Harayana. As per the weather dept the cause for the poor monsoon is the pacfic wind named elisa. it is diverting the rain cloud away. poor monsoon will lead to drought and famine in India. More over huge price rise will also be another effect of it.
already the price for vegeatble , grocey etc are 66 % more than what it was two month before. Govt need to act immedatiely. In Kerala also the monsoon is weak. In distrct like trivandrum , kollam are having around 44% shortage in actual rain fall. It will lead to shortage of drinking water as well as electricity production in States.
It is time that we (Indian) all need to put our hand together to pray to Rain God to give a good spell of Rain for two or three week.


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